About Us

Who We Are: We are 16 former Prosecutors from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, who established the Hazara Prosecutors Assembly. As Hazara individuals and prosecutors, our shared history is one of unwavering commitment to justice, human rights, and safeguarding the vulnerable. We have advocated for fairness, combated violence against women and children, prosecuted criminals, and fought against crime. Our activism is fueled by this dedication.

The Hazara Community: As members of the Hazara ethnic minority, we have endured centuries of discrimination, persecution, and genocide. But we refused to be silenced. We carried the torch of hope through dark times, our resolve unyielding.

The Peril We Face: Our lives, like fragile petals in a tempest, fluttered on the edge of danger. The Taliban's shadow loomed, and the merciless IS-KP threatened our very breath. Our crime? To prosecute criminals; Our sin? Being Hazara; Our defiance? Clinging to the Shia faith. We dared to challenge crime lords, expose corruption, and seek justice. Our Hazara identity and unwavering commitment made us targets—a price we paid willingly. We were hunted, marked, and pursued—a relentless game of survival.

Our Mission: Despite the challenges, we remain steadfast. Our vision extends beyond survival. We strive to:

  1. Secure Safe Migration: We seek a path to migrate to a country where safety and security await us. In this case, we contribute with the Afghanistan Prosecutors Association.
  2. Continue Human Rights Advocacy: Our commitment to human rights remains unwavering. We will advocate for justice even in the face of adversity.
  3. End the Hazara Genocide: We are determined to halt the genocide against the Hazara community. We stand firm, ready to face the International Criminal Court, demanding justice for the fallen, the silenced, and the forgotten.

Validating Our Claims: We point to the annals of history—the blood-soaked pages that bear witness to our suffering. We invoke the whispers of ancestors, their voices carried by the winds of resilience. To substantiate our plight, we encourage you to refer to credible sources. Our vulnerability as prosecutors and Hazaras, as well as the ongoing Hazara genocide, can be verified through reputable channels. We invite scrutiny and hope that our cause resonates with those who value justice and humanity.

May these words resonate with hearts across the globe, igniting curiosity and compassion.

Our Team

Meet the dedicated professionals behind Hazara Prosecutors.

Member 1

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Member 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur magnam ab aperiam ea id aspernatur ex quia itaque neque ipsa quibusdam quis eos tenetur voluptatem, vero, voluptas voluptate accusantium nemo?

Member 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur magnam ab aperiam ea id aspernatur ex quia itaque neque ipsa quibusdam quis eos tenetur voluptatem, vero, voluptas voluptate accusantium nemo?

Meet Our Team